Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Worldwide Marriage Encounter promotes the vocation of marriage as a sacrament for the Church and helps to build strong families by offering programs to help couples enrich their marriage.
Description: Worldwide Marriage Encounter promotes the vocation of marriage as a sacrament for the Church and helps to build strong families by offering programs to help couples enrich their marriage. Make a Marriage Encounter weekend and discover the hidden treasures in your relationship. Designed to make good marriages even better, the weekend offers you a chance to get away from all your cares and concerns to just spend time with each other.
Leaders: Tony & Cathy Witzack
When: Marriage Encounter Weekends are offered regularly in this area.
Solving issues: Communication tools are taught on the weekend helping couples connect in healthy, constructive ways on areas that can deepen their intimacy and connectedness.
“Don’t wait! Don’t put it off! We should have made a weekend 20 years ago, and we would have saved so much time and energy. We talk now, REALLY talk, and listen to each other like never before. We would recommend the weekend for every married couple!”