Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus of St. Isaac Jogues Parish is a Catholic fraternal organization serving the needs of our Church, families, youth, community, and our members. Guided by our Catholic faith, we engage in a variety of service programs and events to address the physical and spiritual needs of people, and to enrich their lives. Our council began in January 2005, and has since grown to over 50 members.
Description: The Knights of Columbus of St. Isaac Jogues Parish is a Catholic fraternal organization serving the needs of our Church, families, youth, community, and our members. Guided by our Catholic faith, we engage in a variety of service programs and events to address the physical and spiritual needs of people, and to enrich their lives. Our council began in January 2005, and has since grown to over 50 members.
Grand Knight: Frank Schlupp
When: Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, beginning at 7:00 p.m. (meetings usually last about an hour).
Where: In the Parish Hall.
Membership: It is open to Catholic men eighteen years and older.
For further information including prospective membership details, visit our website.
Some of our activities include:
VA Cookout – The council hosts a cookout every summer for the veterans at the Coatesville VA Hospital. Members and their families join with parishioners to serve over 100 meals to residents and staff, creating a welcome change of routine for the residents.
Special Olympics – Every November, Knights and their families help with food service at the Villanova Special Olympics event, the largest student-run Special Olympics event in the world.
Seminarian Support – Each year we provide financial and prayer support to between 1 and 4 Seminarians currently studying at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood.
Communion Breakfast – In September 2019, we hosted a Parish Communion Breakfast with close to 100 in attendance. Attendees were treated to a delicious breakfast and 2 wonderful inspiring speakers.
9/11 Events – Each year, we organize a Blue Mass on 9/11 to commemorate the work of our local police, firefighters, and EMTs, and as a remembrance of those we have lost in the line of duty.
Stockings for Soldiers – Each November, we collect supplies for Stockings for Soldiers, a Delaware-based organization that sends Christmas stockings to American Soldiers deployed around the world.
Martha’s Choice Marketplace – Twice a year we collect needed supplies for Martha’s Choice Marketplace, the largest Emergency food bank in our area.
Blood Drives – We have hosted 2 successful Blood Drives in conjunction with the Red Cross.
Baptismal Rose – We supply Roses and Rosaries to families of new Baptismal recipients in the parish.
Parish events – we help with multiple parish events (outdoor Mass, Parish Processions, coffees, etc.), as well as helping where needed.
Council Pot Luck Dinner – Every spring, we host a pot luck dinner for our members, their families, and the Seminarians we support through the year.
For further information including prospective membership details, visit our website.