Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council of St. Isaac Jogues, on behalf of the whole parish, would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to our new parishioners and express sincere thanks to all parishioners for everything they do and have done to make St. Isaac’s the vital, active parish it is today.
What We Do: A Parish Pastoral Council fosters participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the Church. The Council as a consultative body, advises and assists the Pastor in areas of pastoral concern. It develops and recommends parish pastoral plans through consensus in an atmosphere of prayerful reflection. The Pastor of the parish is the chairperson. Members of the Pastoral Council are to be representative of the entire parish recognizing and reflecting the parish’s diversity. The Pastoral Council collaborates and cooperates with parish staff, committees, groups and parishioners.
Members of the Pastoral Council: Membership of the Pastoral Council includes the Pastor as Chair, two ex officio members, three appointed lay representatives and six elected lay representatives. Each elected lay representative serves a term of three years. Nominations to the Pastoral Council take place annually and elections are held by secret ballot. Two new representatives are elected each year.
Pastoral Council Members
Fr. Moerman – Chair
Joe Aquilante – Ex Officio
Norita Heim
Ellen Hendrickson
MaryBeth Kilpatrick
Daniel Kilpatrick
Mark Saylor
Fall 2023 - Elected Members
Alex Corridoni, III
Jeff Dutka
MaryAnn McCann
Peggy McCarty