Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization where Catholic men, women & children (8 & up) sanctify themselves through weekly prayers and spiritual works in union with Blessed Mary.
Description: The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization where Catholic men, women & children (8 & up) sanctify themselves through weekly prayers and spiritual works in union with Blessed Mary. The purpose of the Legion of Mary is to mobilize the Catholic laity and raise the spiritual level of the parish and community by visits to the sick, teaching CCD and evangelization. Members pray the legion prayers and the rosary daily and re-consecrate themselves to Blessed Mother Mary yearly. If you would like to do something for Our Blessed Mother each week please consider the Legion of Mary. Under the banner of Our Blessed Mother, the Legion is an opportunity to balance prayer and good works in our spiritual life.
Leaders: Ann McCarthy at 484-924-8308 for the Monday afternoon group and Mary Zeglin at 610-296-5012 for the Wednesday evening group.
When: The meetings are on either Mondays at 12:45 PM or Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in Classroom 8.
Who: The Legion of Mary is for men and women. All are welcome to help serve those in need.