Finance Committee
The pastor consults with the Parish Finance Committee in the preparation of an annual operating budget of parish income and expenditures’. If the preliminary draft of the budget reflects a deficit, the Committee recommends programs to eliminate the deficit. A final budget should be prepared in accordance with Archdiocesan guidelines and be in place prior to the start of the fiscal year. The Pastor periodically provides the Committee with a report of actual income and expenditures compared with the budget. Reviewing this information, the Committee may make recommendations on any adjustments that might be required. At the close of the fiscal year, the Pastor reviews the Annual Parish Financial Report with the Finance Committee and consults with it on the dissemination of financial information to the parish community.
The financial operations of a parish include many areas where members of the Parish Finance Committee may have experience and expertise. The Pastor may wish to consult with the Committee in certain areas including, but not limited to, the selection of computer hardware and software, banking arrangements, maintenance contracts and internal control. The advice of the Committee should be sought regarding all significant parish expenditures. The Finance Committee consults with the Pastor in planning the long-range financial and physical needs of the parish. To ensure that the parish physical plant is adequately maintained, the Parish Finance Committee may assist the Pastor in developing a program to repair, replace or service property and equipment and in developing a capital budget for these expenditures. The advice of the Finance Committee is sought regarding all significant capital expenditures for repair, renovation or construction of parish facilities.
Finance Committee
Fr. Moerman – Chair
Bill Finnegan – Ex. Officio
John Corr
Frank Schlupp
Deacon Dan Mazurek
Cathy Peacock
Meg Price
Carol Robinson