Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - CCD
"Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the Living Heart of each of our parishes." - Pope Paul VI
Welcome to the St. Isaac Jogues Religious Education Program
The goal of our program, in a collaborative effort with you, is to help foster each student’s growth in personal holiness through his relationship with God. We thank you for allowing us to work with you in the formation of your child’s faith. Our Religious Education Program includes the participation of our Clergy and approximately forty Catechists and Aides, all volunteers, dedicated to advancing the spiritual, intellectual, emotional and social development of our children.
Included in this section is information relating to our program. We would be pleased to speak with you and answer any questions you may have. God bless you!
Religious Education Philosophy
St. Isaac Jogues Parish is committed to the religious education of all as taught by Jesus Christ. Through both the message of salvation as established in the teaching of the Church and the adult community, we endeavor to lead all into living productive and purposeful lives.
The religious educational program strives to prepare children to assume their rightful place in society through personal sanctification based on Christian values. This program fosters the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and social development of each child. The religious education program of St. Isaac Jogues Parish is obligated to contribute in its own way to the realization of the three-fold purpose within the total educational ministry: proclaim the Gospel message, develop a faith community, and render service to the People of God. Our religious educational program proclaims the Gospel message and translates this proclamation into action. This Catholic message is transmitted through volunteer teachers who strive to follow the example of Christ, the Master Teacher.
The message is extended further through the practical lived-out expression of the truths and values within the live of the members of the parish community. It is our aim to provide experiences through active participation in liturgy and prayer that will develop children who are wise in their faith and committed to service both to their faith and social communities. The child celebrates his/her relationship with God and with the community through the sacramental life of the Church.
Parents, as well as volunteer teachers, are involved in preparing the children for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. These celebrations bind us all together as a faith community. The purpose of the Religious Education Program here at St. Isaac Jogues Parish is to provide children with an environment that will foster growth and participation in the teaching and practices of Jesus Christ.
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.
-Isaiah 54:13
Admission Information
Director of Religious Education: Lou Valenti | Contact: 610-687-3366
Description: The Religious Education Program provides education in the Catholic faith and sacramental training for children who attend Non-Catholic schools from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Volunteers: Our program welcomes adult volunteers to serve as teachers, teacher aides, and office aides. Contact us below for more information.
Admissions: All registered families of St. Isaac Jogues Parish may be admitted to the parish Religious Education Program. Families of neighboring parishes may also be admitted to our program after permission has been granted, in writing, from their parish Pastor. The Religious Education Office requires a copy of each student’s baptismal certificate if he/she was not baptized at St. Isaac Jogues. We also ask to be notified immediately of a change in the address or phone number of our students.
A General Health and Medical History Form must be completed for each child admitted to the program. This form is designed to alert the catechist and the office of any concerns or needs of the student. Registration of new students is on-going as new families move into the parish or hear of our program.
Registration notices are published in the parish bulletin in late summer. Renewal registration forms are mailed to our families in late spring.
Tuition:– Per Child: $100.00
Program Fees:
– First Penance and First Holy Communion: $100.00
– Confirmation: $150.00
Religious Education Announcements
CCD Announcements will be posted in the “Latest News” section of this website or click below to go directly to the Religious Education category.
Major Instructional Themes
Age 3 & 4
This is an introductory program for the Christian education of young children. This program creatively encourages children to wonder, explore and celebrate the life and loving God has given them. The children experience a Christian community through sharing prayers, stories, songs, games and art activities. The program also allows the children to discover that God’s world is alive and is indeed “something special”.
This program takes place during the Sunday 10:30 A.M. Mass. Prior to the First Reading, the children are called from the Altar to line up and proceed with the catechist to the classroom for age appropriate Lectionary Readings, discussions and short projects. The children return to the Church to join their families following the homily.
This program is designed to make the children aware of God’s love through the many good and beautiful persons, events and things He has placed in their lives. It leads the children to appreciate their own uniqueness and to sense God’s presence in all the wonderful things around them. It also leads the children to a greater desire to love God in return through their prayers and acts of kindness to others.
Grades 1 & 2
Grade 1 focuses on the theme of the Trinity. The children are taught that God, our Creator, made each person special. They learn that Jesus is our friend and brother and He is human – just as we are. They also learn that the Holy Spirit is our source of strength, peace and joy. Morally, the children learn that they are responsible to love and care for all God’s gifts of creation.
In grade 2, the children review the sacrament of Baptism and begin study of the other sacraments. The students prepare for the reception of the sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion. Both are received during the spring semester.
Grade 3
The Church is the focus of study in grade 3. Students learn about the traditional marks of the Catholic Church by studying the Apostles Creed. All seven sacraments are studied and various ministries within the Church are explored. The Ten Commandments are also studied.
Grade 4
In the 4th grade, the students focus on a study of morality. Moral values are fostered by a look at the lives of people who exemplified them. The students see God as merciful and always ready to forgive and Jesus as the example of Christian love and life. They look at the Holy Spirit as our helper and guide in times of temptation. The sacrament of Reconciliation is emphasized and the content deals with our need to be healed.
Grade 5
Grade 5 centers on a study of all seven sacraments, which are presented as sacred signs as well as celebrations. Students learn that God gave us the ultimate sacrament in Jesus – a visible sign of His Love. The Church is also seen as a sacrament – the sign to the world of God’s love for His people. People are seen as the best sign of God’s presence and all creation is seen as reflecting His existence. Additional classes for full initiation into the Church in the reception of Confirmation begins in the second semester of fifth grade.
Grades 6 & 7
Confirmation preparation continues in the program for grade 6 and 7. The student studies the relationship between Baptism and Confirmation. Emphasis is also placed on how the Gospels and the Sacraments are presented as links to or memory of, knowledge of, and relationship with Jesus today. During the second half of the semester, the students will become familiar with great people from the Hebrew Scriptures.
Over the two year program, the students will focus on the study of Jesus and on the sacraments. They will also look closely at being followers of Jesus and continuing in the Christian way of life. The Commandments and the Beatitudes will be explored in a new light to help guide the young teen in making good moral decisions in his or her life. The program includes the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation in grade 7.
Grades 8-12
These grades are the final segment of a 12 year program. New information will be presented with a strong emphasis on growing (maturing) in our faith and experiencing on a heart level what it means to be a Catholic. The curriculum rotates through a four year cycle and includes Dogma, Scripture, Morality and Church History. The program works closely with the Youth Ministry Program.