Liturgical Ministries
The Catholic Church is fundamentally liturgical and sacramental in its public life of worship. As explained in greater detail in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the liturgy is something that “the whole Christ”, Head and Body, celebrates — Christ, the one High Priest, together with his Body, the Church in heaven and on earth.
Altar Servers
Leader: Deacon Dan Mazurek & Anita Mazurek | Contact: 313-407-2973
Description: The mission of the Altar Server Ministry is to be present and assist the priest in the celebration of the Mass in order to help provide a rich faith experience for the assembly. Children who have received the Sacrament of Communion through high school may serve the parish community in this capacity.
Training: Training is offered through the parish.
Parents of Current Altar Servers, please complete the new Altar Server Availability Form here. Thank you!
Extraordinary Ministers
Description: Extraordinary Ministers are commissioned by the Archbishop of Philadelphia to distribute the Holy Eucharist at Mass. They assist the Ordinary, the Priest and Deacon, on Sundays and whenever the parish priest(s) needs assistance.
The Eucharistic Ministers also make Communion calls to the sick and homebound parishioners in the parish.
A person is appointed at the recommendation of the Pastor, for a three-year term at designated times during the year. If you are interested in joining this Ministry, please speak with the Pastor for more information.
For more information, click here: Extraordinary Ministers
Description: As a part of the worshiping community, ushers are men and women called to render a special service to the parish. St. Isaac’s Usher Ministry provides ushers for all Sunday, Holy Day, and National Holiday Masses. Usher team leaders solicit volunteers and provide the necessary training.
Description: Parish Greeters strive to make all people attending Mass feel welcome and part of our church community through a handshake, smile or other greeting.
Leader: Barb Smith
Leader: Bob Morris | Contact: 610-687-3366
Description: Lectors at St. Isaac’s serve “To proclaim God’s word with expression and inspiration!”. We seek people who will bring passion, emotion, and reverence to the Word of God. By proclaiming the Word of God, we help our fellow parishioners hear and understand God, expressing Himself through the Scriptures.
Training is offered through the parish.
When: Lectors serve on a rotating basis, reading approximately once every three to four weeks.
Music Ministry
Description: St Isaac’s Music Ministry three choirs serve our congregations at liturgies by encouraging participation in singing as well as by adding meditative works to service.
Leaders: Charles Paschall – Choir and Mary Therese Knab – Cantors
Adult Choir: Performs Sundays at the 10:30 AM Mass, and for Christmas and Holy Week. New members are always welcome.
Children’s Choir: Performs for the children’s 10:30 liturgy once a month, on Christmas Eve, and during Holy Week. It is open to children in elementary school.
Bell Choir: Plays with the adult choir frequently, accompanying hymns and Mass parts, and sometimes playing a meditation hymn.
Cantors: Parishioners who have some experience in singing alone who are willing to lead the congregation singing the hymns and responses. Express your interest and we will be in touch for opportunities to audition.
Altar Society
Description: The Altar Society exists to enhance worship in the parish by devoting time and talent to create an altar, sanctuary and church that signifies the glory of God. Volunteers work singly or in teams on scheduled commitments. The Altar Society provides care of the altar linens and the preparation of the Sanctuary throughout the Liturgical seasons.
Leaders: Lauriel Wisely – Church Cleaners and Maria Avitabile – Church Linens