Pre-Cana (Marriage Preparation)
.The instructional class will give couples an understanding of the theology of marriage, explain to them the ritual and their responsibilities and share with them some of the practical information regarding their wedding at the Parish.
Your wedding is a very exciting time of celebration and joy. It is the beginning of your new life as two becoming one. And when done in church it becomes a sacramental marriage.
A sacramental marriage is one that is free from impediments allowing God’s grace to flow freely in your marriage. Thus, giving you the strength to honor you vows in good and challenging times. Just as you are preparing for your big day in the practical elements, Pre-Cana allows time to prepare together for your big day spiritually in the best possible way.
Weddings are to be arranged with the rectory office at minimum 6 months prior to the desired wedding date. All weddings are held in the Church or in some occasions in the chapel. Wedding dates are set in the parish calendar once the initial meeting with the priest or deacon is completed.
Pre-Cana Instruction: The couple is asked to attend instruction prior to their wedding. The instructional class will give couples an understanding of the theology of marriage, explain to them the ritual and their responsibilities and share with them some of the practical information regarding their wedding at the Parish.
The program is available through the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Please note, the sessions fill up quickly – register early!
Sign Up Here.
The program follow two formats:
Friday evening 6:30-9:30 PM and Saturday 9am-4:00 PM or
*5 consecutive weeknights, 6:15-9:15 PM each week (May or October)
*This option is highly recommended for more discussion time during the class.