Parish Updates During the Coronavirus

Dear Parishioners,

I would like to share with you a timely excerpt from Days of Devotion: Pope John XXIII for May 30 titled “Mary, Mother and Queen”:

We crown you together with your divine Son, O Mother, we crown you as our Queen, and May the golden crown that encircles your brow glow as a sign of the highest holiness to which a human creature may rise.

The crown is of purest gold, like the hearts of your children who offer it to you.

We beg you for two graces: peace of mind and the spirit of peace in our families, in our parishes, and in the diocese which loves and honors you; peace in our blessed land, and in our endeavors to achieve the loftiest ideals of human and social life in the light of the Gospel.

Ah, my brothers and sisters! I speak of true Christian brotherhood and, after peace, this brotherhood  is the second grace for which I intend to pray, and for which I ask you all to pray to Jesus…under the auspices and with the help of the prayers of our newly crowned Queen.

O Queen of the Universe, remain with us forever. We pray to you,O sweet, O merciful, O loving, Immaculate Virgin Mary.

 Peace and Prayers,
  Fr. Moerman


Please Read: Parishioner Notice of Reopening


The Solemnity of the Ascension Mass, May 21st.